Sunday, May 30, 2010


OK - we got out of work early on Friday for the holiday, but did I leave, no I decided to stay and get some work done on my project. Fine. But what I didn't realize is that Barco Law and Hillman would both be closed on Sun and Mon. For some reason I cannot use refworks remotely. So I have to wait until Tuesday to finish my project. Also, my computer keeps shutting down with a blue screen. I think it's overheating but I'm not sure. I've propped it up so it's getting air underneath, maybe that will help. To top it off every time I need to do an apostrophe, I am hitting a key with no key, but it's still working sometimes. Until my husband gets a job I have no money to go out an get a new laptop. But I just had a thought, I could borrow one from work. Maybe I'll ask on Monday. This apostrophe thing is really slowing me down.
On top of all that I'm still behind at home, I did get the dishes and laundry done, although I still have some folding to do. I went out early this morning while it was still cool and cleaned the chairs at the pool. My pool is open and the water is warm, but it's so green right now I wouldn't dare get in. Have to get the water sample to the pool place to see what we need. I can't even see the bottom to see how bad the dirt is.

Anyway, writing, as usual, is calming me down and clearing my head. I'll just have to take part of my day Tuesday and get the project done. In the mean time I can get everything else done so I'm caught up in other areas. The project is not difficult, in fact I figured out how to set up google scholar so it just clicks and imports to refworks. Just can't get refworks. I can look at it, just can't import, even though I'm logged in remotely on the Pitt network through ULS.

OK, deep cleansing breath, I should be happy for the beautiful weather. Only problem is it's suddenly gotten too hot during the middle of the day. But the morning and evening are glorious.
I miss having family around on holidays. My family is all in Ocean City. Marks family is all in St. Marys which is north central PA. I guess I should be thankful for peace and quiet.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A good Weekend

This weekend was spent getting caught up at home and on my schoolwork. A rainy Saturday was spent reading and grocery shopping and babysitting my daughters Pit Bull named Cuda. He is still a puppy so he hasnt figured out that he can be by himself yet. He's also 85lbs. so hes really a big baby. He and my Siberian Husky named Frosty are not getting along. My dog is very jelous. I managed to finish the 4 chapters for class, but I need to go over them again. Plus I did my reading for my copyright class. But I havent gotten to any of the other videos and readings. I wanted to plant this weekend and get my pool ready as they are coming Monday to open it for the season but I didnt get to that at all. I spent Sunday making macaroni salad and a tossed salad to share with my son and daughter-in-law. They took my husband Mark to the Pirates game as a late birthday gift, and then I met them and we cooked out for dinner. I got to see my Granddaughter, Laura. She was all smiles until about 7:00 when she got fussy and went to bed. She lasted through a 10 inning Pirate win so I guess she had a big day. We also celebrated Katys b-day and her getting her Masters degree in Education. Now it's almost midnight and I'm still attempting to catch up on classwork. I have to squeeze it in when I can, between working full time, taking care of a house and my pets and taking two classes I'm really stretched rather thin. Some days it's not so bad, but some days it really gets to me when I see how behind I am in everything. Unthankfully with my husband laid off and no jobs in sight I have no choice but to keep working. Last semester 1 course seemed rather light, but two is really a load. But Ill continue to do the best I can. Anyway, time for some sleep.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Getting connected

I have added a link to 'what has become of m and k" as in mark and Katy - my son and daughter in law. It features some beautiful pictures of my adorable Grandaughter, Laurel Frey. The wonderful thing is that her personality and demenor are as nice as she looks in the pictures, she always smiles and when she cries you know there is a reason for it. She is 6 months old, rolling over and has 2 teeth. I didn't think I would be so exicted to be a Grandma but I am.
Work today is very boring, but it has to be done as we are 1 month to fiscal close. Have to rectify the levels and then do a budget report. Plus I am doing a weekly budget report and I need to get some answers from my boss as to what else they want to purchase this year. It's a busy but exciting time. Keeps the summer from being boring. Then ULS threw in that they might do an update to Voyager, but I think they backed off of that until the next version comes out.
Anyway, back to work.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

In the beginning...

I have been reading my daughter-inlaws blog for several years but never entertained the idea of creating my own. So here I am jumping into the 21st century.
Doing the readings and listening to the two downloads have kindof overwhelmed me in this course. Many of the terms are ones I have heard and even used in talking about computers and the web, but it really boggles the mind when you see the list at the end of the chapter. I liked the presentation of Building Academic Library 2.0. Meredith Farkas presented a very comprehensive picture of where we are and where we should be going. The presentation by Tim Berners-Lee was a little over my head. The OCLC report had some good nuggets in it about the fact that no one cares about the format anymore, just so they can get the information, when they need it. But with so many formats available I think this may become more of an issue, especially if you can't transfer from one format to another.
A word of explanation about the title of this blog. I am now officially Grandma Cake. The title came because my niece always thought I was Aunt Cake until she saw my name written. She was very disappointed to discover that it was "Aunt Kate' But as all good things that happen in families, the name stuck. By the way, we also have an "Uncle Pickle" whose son is know as Gerkin. But more on that later.