This weekend was spent getting caught up at home and on my schoolwork. A rainy Saturday was spent reading and grocery shopping and babysitting my daughters Pit Bull named Cuda. He is still a puppy so he hasnt figured out that he can be by himself yet. He's also 85lbs. so hes really a big baby. He and my Siberian Husky named Frosty are not getting along. My dog is very jelous. I managed to finish the 4 chapters for class, but I need to go over them again. Plus I did my reading for my copyright class. But I havent gotten to any of the other videos and readings. I wanted to plant this weekend and get my pool ready as they are coming Monday to open it for the season but I didnt get to that at all. I spent Sunday making macaroni salad and a tossed salad to share with my son and daughter-in-law. They took my husband Mark to the Pirates game as a late birthday gift, and then I met them and we cooked out for dinner. I got to see my Granddaughter, Laura. She was all smiles until about 7:00 when she got fussy and went to bed. She lasted through a 10 inning Pirate win so I guess she had a big day. We also celebrated Katys b-day and her getting her Masters degree in Education. Now it's almost midnight and I'm still attempting to catch up on classwork. I have to squeeze it in when I can, between working full time, taking care of a house and my pets and taking two classes I'm really stretched rather thin. Some days it's not so bad, but some days it really gets to me when I see how behind I am in everything. Unthankfully with my husband laid off and no jobs in sight I have no choice but to keep working. Last semester 1 course seemed rather light, but two is really a load. But Ill continue to do the best I can. Anyway, time for some sleep.
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