I hate going to work during the heat and heart of the summer. My sister, sister-in-law and niece are all teachers and have the summer off. It wouldn't be so bad but with taking two courses too I'm even busier. Also, they all planned a big trip to Aruba this summer. I can't afford either the time or the money to go. Doesn't mean I'm not jealous. I did get to swim over the weekend. My pool is finally clean, clear, and warm, bathtub warm. It only took me a couple of seconds of adjustment and then in I went. The sound of thunder made me get out, but we didn't get any rain.
Mark''s father is in Presby for his triple by-pass that turned out to be quad. He came through the surgery just fine but Mark was concerned because he was hallucinating yesterday, seeing people who weren't there, and candy that wasn't there. Hopefully it better today. They think it's from all the drugs he took during and after the surgery. I hope so.
I need to get my Koha project done this week as I am heading for MD to see my Mom over the weekend. I hope to come home on the 4th and have at least one day at home, but we'll see.
With Mary home, and her dog Cuda always wanting to follow me around it's almost impossible to get anything done at home anymore.
Well, Voyager the library system is rolling over today, should be back up tomorrow. Then on Wednesday Prism goes down and comes back on Thursday. That's how we start a new fiscal year. But I won't know if my figures were correct until the middle of July when we get the levels. I hope they are...???
A Deep Dive Into the Sea
2 weeks ago
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