Drove to Md. over the weekend, left Fri and came back Sunday. We celebrated my step-mother's 81st birthday. It was nice and quiet, just Tom, Mary Ann, Me, Jonathan and Mom. She does much better with a small group between not being able to hear and her alzheimer's disease. She must have asked about her purse 30 times and it was never more than 3 feet away from her. Then she wouldn't go back into the home until she was sure I had mine. At least we can blame it on the disease now, growing up I don't know what her problem was - she was always obsessive/compulsive and adt. It made it very hard to live with her. We stopped at my Dad's grave and visited for a few minutes. She really appreciated that. We followed a funeral into the cemetary that had to have 50 cars in line waiting to get into the cemetary. I haven't seen a funeral that big in awhile.
I finished my Koha project and my response to essay 2. So the project for this week are done. Next week is going to be the killer, I have the dickens fragment due, A virtural poster and a paper due on a book I havent read yet. Oh, and our 2nd quiz is next week too.
Mark's Dad is still at the rehab center. Mark still goes to visit every day but it's for shorter periods of time. So hopefully he can get some rest. Mary is finally feeling better and back at work.
The fiscal year is over, the new allocations are in so I'm back to paying bills.
Heat Wave this week - it's supposed to be 98 here today. Over 100 in DC.
Nancy Shafer just called from Ocean City to say it's brutal there. But the A/C is working as is the can opener. So at least I don't have to go out and get a new one.
Guess I have to start getting caught up on the readings for class. Time to go.
A Deep Dive Into the Sea
2 weeks ago
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