I seem to only be averaging one post a week. I think we're supposed to do two per week. Oh well, I keep getting sidetracked by projects for both classes. It's hard to keep up and work full time. The past two weeks I've taken Friday off just to get some work done. This past weekend I searched my links and connected them to my web page and uploded it again to unixs. Then I wrote my paper and my personal response to my virtual poster in Copyright and Fair use. I also took my quiz. The quiz was fair. I just don't think I answered some of the questions as completely as he would have liked.
I swam yesterday for about 30 minutes in my pool about 4:00 on a perfect Sunday. The only thing lacking was some music and some company. It's lonely swimming alone. I did about 10 laps, have to go for 12 the next time. The water was perfect, warm, but not bathtub warm. The pavement around the pool was plenty hot to make you want to get your feet in the water. My husband bought a small hard sided pool for my daughter's Pit Bull. It only took him about 15 minutes to learn how to get in and out. He loves the water and loves to jump anytime the hose is going especially if it has a nozzle on it which makes it hard to clean the bag for the pool cleaner if he is anywhere around.
My dog Frosty, a white Siberian Husky looks like a sick sheep right now. He is shedding in patches and really looks funny. I keep pulling out clumps of fur every time he goes by. He woke us up at 1:30 am this morning. He had wrapped his lead around a tree 3 times and couldn't go anywhere. So he yipped and whined until he woke us up to come and rescue him.
I put my beloved cat mittens to sleep on Friday, may she rest in peace. She had mouth cancer and it was a huge lump on one side of her mouth and was beginning to show on the other side too. She was having trouble eating and wasn't getting around much anymore. Everywhere she went there was pale drops of blood. It was pretty disgusting. But I held her until the end. So I did my best. I would have buried her on our twelve acres, in the woods, but I was really afraid something would come and dig her up. Then I would be even more heartbroken.
Well, time to go find something about copyright in the news. more later.
A Deep Dive Into the Sea
2 weeks ago
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