Monday, October 18, 2010

Finally back to writing

Yes, it's been quite a while since I posted. Once classes started all hell broke loose andI haven't caught up yet. I've gotten a new computer at work because my old one died, and I'm still taking part in the keyboard survey so I have a new more ergonomic keyboard too. It's nice, just takes some getting used to. I still hit alot of wrong letters. I had my right ear operated on last Wed. I thought they were just taking out a cyst. In and out quick. Four hours later, actually six hours later when I awoke it was alot more than just a cyst. I now have a new middle ear implant. Not sure what that is until I get to talk to the dr. tomorrow. Mark was not very forthcoming when I asked him questions about what they had done. He has a interview today at Ibis tec and I pray he gets it. Back to my ear, I 'm very dizzy and going to class for fast track weekend was not the easiest. Luckily Mark drove me as there was no way I was driving. Mary's back surgery was moved from Oct. 25 to Nov. 3. I have to wrap her present tonight. I've been trying to work on the ABA statistics but I keep loosing interest. I guess this weekend we're going to St. Marys for a party and the following weekend to DC. So I need to get my work done during the week as I can. I thought it was going to be a easy semester with just 1 course and 1 one credit course, but it's alot of work no matter what. I'm half tempted to take next semester off. I'm just pain old tired. I;m tired of trying to fit things in between studying.

I sure hope this ear inproves once he takes out the stuffing. The tintinitius is driving me crazy. The dizzyness is lessening each day. It still feels like half my face is numb.
More once I see him tomorrow.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Back from Vacation

Got back on Friday from 10 days in Ocean City, MD. It was lovely, hot and humid - I finally got tan. Spent 1 day at the beach - the rest at the pool. It rained one day so we went shopping. I want with my Sister who expected it to be a quiet vacation - but her son got a job and they had really bad storms while she was gone, so it wasn't as restful as she had hoped - I'm sure she was glad to get home. Spent part of the time with Mark, Katy and Laurel. It was wonderful so see the baby - she love the water weather it's the ocean or the pool. She is also getting 4 teeth all at the same time. Both Mark and Katy were sick while they were there, so now Laurel isn't feeling well. I got my ears re-pierced and my nails done so I was happy to finally do something for myself.
Saturday we had torrential rain in the evening, but Sunday was cloudy no more rain. Today is beautiful. Mary and I went shopping yesterday to get her some clothes. (Like she needs anymore?) but she is changing sizes and needs to look professional. I got a couple of tops.

Came back to work today - we are really at a skeleton crew. So that mean it will be quiet for me to catch up. I hope. I paid my tuition. Now I just have a few more errands and I'm done.

Vacation was nice, but I'm ready to get back in routine again.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Finally Got it the way I want it

It's nice to have a son who is a web master when you're taking a course in web design. I would be completely lost without him. He is patient and a good teacher. Looking at HTML is like looking a an electric schematic for me. The rules make sense - I just can't remember them for more than five minutes and this flipping back and forth to w3c is ridiculous. I wouldn't be bad if I could put them side by side. I looked back at my Dickens 2 and for some reason the word wrap disappeared, so I had to go research that. I finally got Dickens 3 the way I want it. Now I have to create a portfolio and stuff everything into it. This should be fun. Especially with 3 teenage boys running through the house. My brother-in-law is down with my nephew and 2 friends to take part in Jamie Dixon's basketball camp. They did it last year too. They're not bad, it's just a bad week. But if I can get the portfolio done then I'm home free as I finished my last report for Copyright yesterday. There are some advantages to having the boys, they wore out both Cuda and Frosty yesterday and wore themselves out in the pool. Jake's Mom told me he has grown 5 inches and gained 25 lbs. over the past year. Quite a growth spurt. Austin, my nephew is now the shortest of the 3.
Mary was sick over the weekend and did not venture out of bed. Maybe we can use some of that muscle power to get her bed set up the way she wants it.
Then I can finally think about vacation. I can't wait.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Not up to par

I seem to only be averaging one post a week. I think we're supposed to do two per week. Oh well, I keep getting sidetracked by projects for both classes. It's hard to keep up and work full time. The past two weeks I've taken Friday off just to get some work done. This past weekend I searched my links and connected them to my web page and uploded it again to unixs. Then I wrote my paper and my personal response to my virtual poster in Copyright and Fair use. I also took my quiz. The quiz was fair. I just don't think I answered some of the questions as completely as he would have liked.
I swam yesterday for about 30 minutes in my pool about 4:00 on a perfect Sunday. The only thing lacking was some music and some company. It's lonely swimming alone. I did about 10 laps, have to go for 12 the next time. The water was perfect, warm, but not bathtub warm. The pavement around the pool was plenty hot to make you want to get your feet in the water. My husband bought a small hard sided pool for my daughter's Pit Bull. It only took him about 15 minutes to learn how to get in and out. He loves the water and loves to jump anytime the hose is going especially if it has a nozzle on it which makes it hard to clean the bag for the pool cleaner if he is anywhere around.
My dog Frosty, a white Siberian Husky looks like a sick sheep right now. He is shedding in patches and really looks funny. I keep pulling out clumps of fur every time he goes by. He woke us up at 1:30 am this morning. He had wrapped his lead around a tree 3 times and couldn't go anywhere. So he yipped and whined until he woke us up to come and rescue him.
I put my beloved cat mittens to sleep on Friday, may she rest in peace. She had mouth cancer and it was a huge lump on one side of her mouth and was beginning to show on the other side too. She was having trouble eating and wasn't getting around much anymore. Everywhere she went there was pale drops of blood. It was pretty disgusting. But I held her until the end. So I did my best. I would have buried her on our twelve acres, in the woods, but I was really afraid something would come and dig her up. Then I would be even more heartbroken.
Well, time to go find something about copyright in the news. more later.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

fastt week

This week has gone so fast. I took Friday off to try and catch up on stuff at home and for class and ended up reading about 50 pages just to find out today that he extended the deadline. Mind you I'm not complaining about an extension. Spent today working on my Virtual Poster on Indigenous Copyright. It's a harder topic than I thought it would be because it encompases so much. It's hard to express it in just a few concise sentences. Tomorrow I have to work on my web site. So much to do, so little time. I now have 3 beds stripped and none of the sheets are ready to go back on so I have to get them done before bedtime. I am also having trouble finding some of my documents as my home computer tends to save them to wierd places.
I now have 3 beds stripped and none of the sheets are ready to go back on so I have to get them done before bedtime. I threw together a dinner of leftovers that even I thought was terrible. I wanted to go out but Mary didn't feel like it. She has been in bed all day.
I am hoping the website test goes ok. I am looking forward to it but I'm also terrified that Ill do something terribly wrong and have to start over again.
I have to remember that I have a dr's appt on Monday morning. I forgot about it and didn't tell my office. As of Monday all the Librarians are at AALL so I guess I'm in charge. It should be a very quiet week.
Once all this is done I still have to finish my book and study for the quiz for next weekend. It NEVER ends.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The fourth is past already

Drove to Md. over the weekend, left Fri and came back Sunday. We celebrated my step-mother's 81st birthday. It was nice and quiet, just Tom, Mary Ann, Me, Jonathan and Mom. She does much better with a small group between not being able to hear and her alzheimer's disease. She must have asked about her purse 30 times and it was never more than 3 feet away from her. Then she wouldn't go back into the home until she was sure I had mine. At least we can blame it on the disease now, growing up I don't know what her problem was - she was always obsessive/compulsive and adt. It made it very hard to live with her. We stopped at my Dad's grave and visited for a few minutes. She really appreciated that. We followed a funeral into the cemetary that had to have 50 cars in line waiting to get into the cemetary. I haven't seen a funeral that big in awhile.
I finished my Koha project and my response to essay 2. So the project for this week are done. Next week is going to be the killer, I have the dickens fragment due, A virtural poster and a paper due on a book I havent read yet. Oh, and our 2nd quiz is next week too.

Mark's Dad is still at the rehab center. Mark still goes to visit every day but it's for shorter periods of time. So hopefully he can get some rest. Mary is finally feeling better and back at work.
The fiscal year is over, the new allocations are in so I'm back to paying bills.
Heat Wave this week - it's supposed to be 98 here today. Over 100 in DC.
Nancy Shafer just called from Ocean City to say it's brutal there. But the A/C is working as is the can opener. So at least I don't have to go out and get a new one.
Guess I have to start getting caught up on the readings for class. Time to go.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's July already

Ok - I have 6 days to do my Koha post. Did my report for Legal and handed that in. Have another book to read and a virtual poster to do all In 15 days. It's going to be a busy 2 weeks. Thank goodness I'm only taking 2 classes, I can't imagine what the kids that a taking 4 are going through. I'm leaving tomorrow to go and see my step-mother who turns 81 tomorrow. She is in a home in Laurel, Md. She has Alzheimer's. She still recognizes us when we call or come but she definitely can't remember anything short term, like what she had for lunch. She gets so frustrated asking the same thing over and over again. I haven't been down in 2 months due to class and other commitments. I really feel guilty when I don't get down. I hope to come back on the 4th so I can get some work done on the 5th. I hate it when I have to do school work over a holiday. I really want to be free and have fun. But not this year, too much to do. I am also hoping that this is the year I finally get to the Bib Butler Fair. I have missed it the past 10 years we have lived in Butler co. I'm going to make a point to go this year even if I have to go by myself.
Hopefully Mary is feeling better today. She is getting over the flu and has been off work all week.
Grandpa Mark is still in Presby recovering from quadruple by-pass. They're trying to find a rehab place for him to go. He needs alot of physical therapy to get his strength back.
So with the new Fiscal Year upon us I have alot of new things to do, like set up the new folders for the files, and put in to renew all the contracts. Guess I better get to work.

Monday, June 28, 2010

back to work during the summer

I hate going to work during the heat and heart of the summer. My sister, sister-in-law and niece are all teachers and have the summer off. It wouldn't be so bad but with taking two courses too I'm even busier. Also, they all planned a big trip to Aruba this summer. I can't afford either the time or the money to go. Doesn't mean I'm not jealous. I did get to swim over the weekend. My pool is finally clean, clear, and warm, bathtub warm. It only took me a couple of seconds of adjustment and then in I went. The sound of thunder made me get out, but we didn't get any rain.
Mark''s father is in Presby for his triple by-pass that turned out to be quad. He came through the surgery just fine but Mark was concerned because he was hallucinating yesterday, seeing people who weren't there, and candy that wasn't there. Hopefully it better today. They think it's from all the drugs he took during and after the surgery. I hope so.
I need to get my Koha project done this week as I am heading for MD to see my Mom over the weekend. I hope to come home on the 4th and have at least one day at home, but we'll see.
With Mary home, and her dog Cuda always wanting to follow me around it's almost impossible to get anything done at home anymore.
Well, Voyager the library system is rolling over today, should be back up tomorrow. Then on Wednesday Prism goes down and comes back on Thursday. That's how we start a new fiscal year. But I won't know if my figures were correct until the middle of July when we get the levels. I hope they are...???

Sunday, June 20, 2010

wish I knew that last year

One of the readings for Intro to information was a review of google docs and all it's glory. How to use it, to change things in it, import and export etc. I wish I had know all this last year when we were doing the business plan for Managing. It would have helped. As it is the igoogle idea looks good - although on my toshiba computer at home they have already populated the google page with most of the things they talk about. Since we don't have a project this week I am finally getting caught up on readings and also on some housework.
I got to see Laurel today, they stopped up to say happy father's day to Granpa Curly. Laurel also had her first dip in the pool. She didn't cry at all, I was suprised. She also petted the cat. We had to put Cuda away in the back room. Mark and Katy are paranoid that he will do something to her. I really think if he got to know her he would not only not hurt her, he would protect her.
My cat Mittens showed up again after being missing for two weeks. I thought she had gone off somewhere to die. She has mouth cancer. But no, she is home, she lost alot of weight and I really think it is time to put her down. It's going to be hard to do. She has been my best friend for more than 10 years. She has slept on my bed and nuzzled with me every day. I used to carry her around in my robe pocket she was so small. She always loved going out at night and waiting by the door for me in the morning.
This week is going to be hard, between class, work, it is the very end of FY and my father-in-law is coming down for a triple by-pass on Thursday. But more later.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

End of Fiscal year

OK, end of FY fever has hit. I now know how much I have to spend and it's alot. So tomorrow between Pat ordering and my paying it should be a fun day. I hate having to estimate June expenses for offices within the University. I can get answers from vendors very easily. But the University is like pulling teeth. Anyway, hope I guessed right.
I have so much reading to catch up on in my copyright class, I left it go last week in order to get the Omeka project done, so this weekend I have to read last week and this week. Luckily most of it is interesting. I found an article in Marquette's magazine that is a blog between law professors about who owns the rights to fictional character. Should be good reading. Luckily Dr. Currier put off our report on the 2nd book so I can read a little slower and maybe get my pool to the point I can swim and get my flowers planted. Have to pull alot of weeds first though.
Mary had her stim test yesterday. She said it feels funny walking. It's supposed to block the nerves that are pinched and reduce the pain. We're all praying it works. Then next week Mark's Dad will be down for a triple by pass. Oh, and my Sister is coming up to help clean out her son's apartment and my Niece is coming up to go to a concert with me - and it's still end of FY!!!!!!!! I just may need a drink by the end of it.
Maybe I can catch up on my sleep this weekend and not feel so guilty. I hope so. I'm so far behind at home I don't think I will ever get caught up. Well that's my rant for today. Stay tuned for tomorrow.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Another Monday

Well here it is another Monday in June. I have one more week to complete most of the stuff for the fiscal year. I also have to do my Omeka post. I watched the video's last night on tagging, - interesting but a little repetitious. The lady from Google really sounded like she was up against the boards and couldn't say anything of note except that Google books was going mobile. It kinda tied in with my copyright class though so that was good. I took the test on Saturday. A couple of the questions threw me initially but then as I thought about them I came up with an answer. Just problems with the set up, for some reason when I get farther down it seems to erase what I had written in the first 3 questions. Luckily I had saved the first one. So I went out and came back in and did it all again. I submitted the second one and they got that, don't know what happened to those first 3 answers. Spent Sunday putting together a huge bookcase from Ikea for my daughter. It's beautiful. Mary is having her stim test this week so that will be big. Hopefully it helps her pain. Then on the 23rd my father-in-law is having a triple by-pass. So that will be another big deal. All of this and end of FY too - whopee!!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Keeping it going

I am now studying for the midterm "quiz." I had not realized that we had covered so much material. I find that my understanding of the technical workings of computers much harder to come by. I can figure out how to use a program, that's practical. I'm not sure that I want to know how it works and why it works that way, just so it works. But I do understand the need for the course. These are questions we're going to come up against almost every day. So the more we understand the better we can answer, search for or refer to an answer for a patron, no matter what type of library we're in. The idea of open source software is important because, although I work at a university library with all the bells and whistles every small public library cannot afford to have even proprietary library software and often has to use the public access programs because that's all they can afford.
I think using the open source library programs should be fun. Give me a chance to compare with Voyager. We had no say in the choice of Voyager, we were just told the University was changing and this was what we had to do. Some of the records rolled over, some did not and had to be input by hand. I do not understand why the university has not kept up with the updates to the system. They were supposed to do an update this summer but now that is put off again. Some of the features we are using are still back in the dinosaur age. The system is fairly clunky and the workflow features are not the best. For instance you have to click all over the place to input an invoice, it takes almost 25 clicks to do one invoice even imputing the PO record. Also it's hard to flow from Acquisitions to Cataloging and then to Circulation.
Anyway, back to work. Good luck on the test.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

One Project down, one to go. It never ends. Still have work for work to do too. I'll be glad for the weekend. Details, details, details..... can't keep everything straight. Am I complaining, yes.... well sorta. I did sign up for 2 courses. Not sure now that's the best idea with working full time. I'd like a little exictement in my life too, but I think that's too much to ask. The next project for Into to info involves uploading a video to the blog, this should be interesting. I have to go buy a microphone, or see if my computer has one. Well, off to the next project.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Whew, OK I got refworks to work. My list is complete, just a few questions during class tonight and I can submit it. My paper for Legal is done but I need to include another reference and I'd like to include a quote so that will take some editing on Thursday. Sunday was a loss, although I got alot done, neither my husband or daughter felt well so all they wanted to do was lay around. Cuda, Mary's pit bull puppy was just needy..... every minute of every day he wants attention. I alrealy went through this with 2 kids. I dont need it now. I finally woke Mary up at noon and told her to entertain him.
Quite a stormlast night. But I was glad to see the rain. It's fun this time of year to watch the corn growing. It just started up this week and I bet with the heat and rain it will grow quick. Some days there is a big difference just between when I leave in the morning and when I come home at night.
My pool is a mess, it's all green. Hopefully Mark can take the water to have it analyzed today so we can get it clear enough to see what we need to clean off the bottom. I still have to clean the tables but that doesn't take much. I also have to rake the leaves out from around the tables and pull the weeds.
Well, class tonight, better get back to work.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


OK - we got out of work early on Friday for the holiday, but did I leave, no I decided to stay and get some work done on my project. Fine. But what I didn't realize is that Barco Law and Hillman would both be closed on Sun and Mon. For some reason I cannot use refworks remotely. So I have to wait until Tuesday to finish my project. Also, my computer keeps shutting down with a blue screen. I think it's overheating but I'm not sure. I've propped it up so it's getting air underneath, maybe that will help. To top it off every time I need to do an apostrophe, I am hitting a key with no key, but it's still working sometimes. Until my husband gets a job I have no money to go out an get a new laptop. But I just had a thought, I could borrow one from work. Maybe I'll ask on Monday. This apostrophe thing is really slowing me down.
On top of all that I'm still behind at home, I did get the dishes and laundry done, although I still have some folding to do. I went out early this morning while it was still cool and cleaned the chairs at the pool. My pool is open and the water is warm, but it's so green right now I wouldn't dare get in. Have to get the water sample to the pool place to see what we need. I can't even see the bottom to see how bad the dirt is.

Anyway, writing, as usual, is calming me down and clearing my head. I'll just have to take part of my day Tuesday and get the project done. In the mean time I can get everything else done so I'm caught up in other areas. The project is not difficult, in fact I figured out how to set up google scholar so it just clicks and imports to refworks. Just can't get refworks. I can look at it, just can't import, even though I'm logged in remotely on the Pitt network through ULS.

OK, deep cleansing breath, I should be happy for the beautiful weather. Only problem is it's suddenly gotten too hot during the middle of the day. But the morning and evening are glorious.
I miss having family around on holidays. My family is all in Ocean City. Marks family is all in St. Marys which is north central PA. I guess I should be thankful for peace and quiet.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A good Weekend

This weekend was spent getting caught up at home and on my schoolwork. A rainy Saturday was spent reading and grocery shopping and babysitting my daughters Pit Bull named Cuda. He is still a puppy so he hasnt figured out that he can be by himself yet. He's also 85lbs. so hes really a big baby. He and my Siberian Husky named Frosty are not getting along. My dog is very jelous. I managed to finish the 4 chapters for class, but I need to go over them again. Plus I did my reading for my copyright class. But I havent gotten to any of the other videos and readings. I wanted to plant this weekend and get my pool ready as they are coming Monday to open it for the season but I didnt get to that at all. I spent Sunday making macaroni salad and a tossed salad to share with my son and daughter-in-law. They took my husband Mark to the Pirates game as a late birthday gift, and then I met them and we cooked out for dinner. I got to see my Granddaughter, Laura. She was all smiles until about 7:00 when she got fussy and went to bed. She lasted through a 10 inning Pirate win so I guess she had a big day. We also celebrated Katys b-day and her getting her Masters degree in Education. Now it's almost midnight and I'm still attempting to catch up on classwork. I have to squeeze it in when I can, between working full time, taking care of a house and my pets and taking two classes I'm really stretched rather thin. Some days it's not so bad, but some days it really gets to me when I see how behind I am in everything. Unthankfully with my husband laid off and no jobs in sight I have no choice but to keep working. Last semester 1 course seemed rather light, but two is really a load. But Ill continue to do the best I can. Anyway, time for some sleep.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Getting connected

I have added a link to 'what has become of m and k" as in mark and Katy - my son and daughter in law. It features some beautiful pictures of my adorable Grandaughter, Laurel Frey. The wonderful thing is that her personality and demenor are as nice as she looks in the pictures, she always smiles and when she cries you know there is a reason for it. She is 6 months old, rolling over and has 2 teeth. I didn't think I would be so exicted to be a Grandma but I am.
Work today is very boring, but it has to be done as we are 1 month to fiscal close. Have to rectify the levels and then do a budget report. Plus I am doing a weekly budget report and I need to get some answers from my boss as to what else they want to purchase this year. It's a busy but exciting time. Keeps the summer from being boring. Then ULS threw in that they might do an update to Voyager, but I think they backed off of that until the next version comes out.
Anyway, back to work.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

In the beginning...

I have been reading my daughter-inlaws blog for several years but never entertained the idea of creating my own. So here I am jumping into the 21st century.
Doing the readings and listening to the two downloads have kindof overwhelmed me in this course. Many of the terms are ones I have heard and even used in talking about computers and the web, but it really boggles the mind when you see the list at the end of the chapter. I liked the presentation of Building Academic Library 2.0. Meredith Farkas presented a very comprehensive picture of where we are and where we should be going. The presentation by Tim Berners-Lee was a little over my head. The OCLC report had some good nuggets in it about the fact that no one cares about the format anymore, just so they can get the information, when they need it. But with so many formats available I think this may become more of an issue, especially if you can't transfer from one format to another.
A word of explanation about the title of this blog. I am now officially Grandma Cake. The title came because my niece always thought I was Aunt Cake until she saw my name written. She was very disappointed to discover that it was "Aunt Kate' But as all good things that happen in families, the name stuck. By the way, we also have an "Uncle Pickle" whose son is know as Gerkin. But more on that later.